
Vampire of Cosium Special -Ch7

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The Vampire of Cosium ~ Special
Tale of the Winged Magic-User

Ch. 7 Final

   Amy sniffled, "Poor Kalarock."
Silver nodded, "He just wanted to help." Silver was now sitting on Reggie lap, one of his favorite places to sit, especially during a story.
Reggie sighed, "Sometimes bad things happen even to good people."
Sonic spoke, "What kind of an ending is that?"
Reggie smirked, "Who said its the ending?"
All the kids looked excited, "Tell us more!" "Please tell us what happened!" "How does Kalarock stop Ravon?"
Reggie chuckled, "Ok, ok, take it easy. Listen and I'll tell you." He cleared his throat, letting Silver get comfortable on his lap, "So, the time came for punishment to be made. You see, Ravon had sentenced Viper to death for evil she had never commit. Her punishment was to be death by fire." The children gasped.
Reggie nodded, "Yes, and there was no one to save her. Yet, Ravon offered her a deal in return for her freedom. She had to... uh..." He scratched his head, Great, I'm back on this topic again.
Shadow spoke, "What's wrong, Reggie?"
Reggie grinned, "Uh, just trying to remember how it went. He, uh, told her she had to become his, uh..." Then it hit him, "His evil queen to help him destroy all the immortals."
Blaze gasped, "But she didn't, right? Viper didn't agree to be his evil queen, did she?"
Reggie smiled, "Of course not."
He looked at the sky, which was now in twilight as stars appeared, "Though, it only made Mellok's fate so much graver. You see, the Tri-stars had already begun to reveal the unbalance of the world. All three stars had turned a scary red. If Ravon went through with his sentence against all the immortals, the world would be doomed! Many of the Mortals and Magic-Users were against the sentencing, not only because they all knew she was innocent, but also because they knew the risks of destroying one of the nations. But, what could they do? Viper's fate was sealed, as was the fate as the other immortals."
He smiled, "At least, that's how it seemed."


    Viper stood with her hands bound behind a wooden pole she stood with her back against. She glared at Ravon as he watched her. The people all around yelled against the injustice, but the soldiers kept them all back. Cages sat around the square, each holding several Immortals, and a single Magic-User. Black could only watch in his cage alone next to Max's cage with several immortals as Viper faced her fate.
Ravon stepped up to Viper and spoke in a low voice, "You can still escape this horrible fate, my dear. Give up, and I will let you live."
Viper glared at him, then spit in his face. He looked vicious, "So be it." He turned to the people, "This is the moment we rid this world of the evil that is the Immortals once and for all!" The Immortals yelled angrily, but none of them could do anything.
Neither could Kalarock, who was bound high above on Notre Dame. His wrists were bound in a powerful element called fioa, a mineral that was immune to magic. It would hold even against his magic while his young body stood no chance of breaking the chains. He could only stand there and watch the nightmare below. He felt hopeless and weak knowing it was all his fault.
Though, his guardian chao weren't giving up on him. They worked together to pull the chains loose from the stone pillars, though they really stood no chance.
Soul flew over to Kalarock, "Rocky, you have to snap out of it! You have to save them!"
Kalarock spoke sadly, "Its no use. It's all my fault."
Frost pulled on the chains, "You have to try, Kalarock! Can you really stand to let Ravon win? To let those people die?"
Kalarock looked away, "What can I do? How can I help anyone? I'm just a marked monster in chains, where I belong. For once."
Soul looked serious, "It isn't these chains holding you back, Kalarock. You need to find your true strength inside, or Ravon will win."
Kalarock yelled at them, his eyes full of tears, "Just leave me alone!!" Soul looked surprised that Kalarock would yell at him. All three of them did, but Soul looked hurt by it.
Palak sighed as he flew, "Ok, Rocky. If that's what you want, we'll leave you alone."
Frost followed him, "After all, we're just silly little chao made of nothing but light."
Soul followed sorrowfully, giving Kalarock one last sympathetic look, "We just thought maybe you were made of something more." With that, the three chao flew away, leaving Kalarock alone.
Kalarock started to hear Ravon far below. He looked to see the torch in his hand, ready to light the hay and twigs around Viper. She looked a little frightened.
Ravon grinned evilly as he lit the hay, "Time to send her to the underworld, where she belongs!" The fire grew right away.
Kalarock gasped, "NO!!!" He pulled against his chains, his magic sparking powerfully. Viper coughed as the smoke rose around her. Max watched in horror, as did all the other immortals.
Kalarock started to pull together a great deal of magic, "Let... Her... GOOO!!!!!" His magic released, causing a huge shock wave of power. The power smashed the fioa, chains, and even the large columns.
Kalarock panted, his magic worn very low, but his eyes were red with fury.
He stood on the edge and saw the fire rising around Viper. He immediately felt a powerful determination. Though, he didn't have enough magic to fly down.
Then he glanced back at his vampire wings. He spread them, took a deep breath, and jumped. For the first time in his life, he used his wings to fly instead of magic. He was a bit surprised how easy it was, having never done it before.
He surprised Ravon by landing near Viper. Ravon gasped as Kalarock used the little magic he still had to push aside the flaming sticks and hay, right into the soldiers. He quickly freed Viper and lifted her into his arms. He saw the soldiers coming and spread his wings again, flying up into the sky.
Ravon growled furiously, "Kalarock!!"
Black cheered with the other immortals, "Go, Kalarock!"
Ravon yelled at his men as Kalarock flew up into his tower, "Captain! Go get them! Now!!"
Inside the tower, Kalarock laid Viper in his bed. She laid unconscious, her body limp. Kalarock brushed her bangs aside as Palak, Soul, and Frost flew in through the window, "Don't worry, Viper. You're safe here. I promise. I won't let them hurt you." He looked angry as he headed back out, right past the amazed little chao.
He stood at an edge, looking down at the many soldiers. He wasn't going to let them get away with this. He used his magic to lift a nearby beam and toss it down, causing the group to scatter in fear.
Ravon looked enraged as some of the soldiers fled in fear, "Come back here, you cowards!!!" He turned to the soldiers still there, "Grab the beam and break that door down, now!!!" They got right to work.
Though, that left only one guard outside of Black's cage. He got an arm around the guard's neck and knocked him out with a quick paralysis spell. He grabbed the keys and got himself free. Though, when he turned to the other cages, he was surprised to find them all already open.
Max stood there with a grin as he swung a ring of keys around on one finger, "I'm sorry, were you expecting us to wait for you, big hero? Sorry if I ruined your big moment."
Black jumped on top of his cage and turned to the people, "Citizens of Mellok! It is time to stand up for yourselves! Ravon has persecuted you and caused you and your loved ones great suffering, but now we must end it ourselves! We must stand united as three nations and stop Ravon before it is too late!" Everyone cheered, from all three nations.
Black raised his fist, "Will we allow this to go on any longer!?" Everyone cheered louder and the fight began. Everyone fought against the soldiers, all three nations working together.
Palak grinned at the fighting below as he watched with Kalarock and the other two chao, "Looks like the calvary is here!"
Soul grinned, "You two ready?"
Frost nodded, "I think its time."
Kalarock was confused, "Time for what?"
The three chao grinned and began to glow. Kalarock was amazed as they changed into people. Palak grinned at his companions, "I haven't gotten to do this in a long time."
Frost chuckled confidently, "Then let's make it count." They grew white feathery wings and flew off to help fight.
Soul called back to Kalarock, "I knew you had it in you, Rocky!"
Kalarock smiled, until hooks caught the ledge nearby him. He glared down at the soldiers climbing. He shot magic to snap the ropes and threw rocks down at anyone still trying to climb up.
Down below, Black led the attack on the soldiers, working together with Max and many other brave fighters. Black smirked, "If things weren't so serious, I would actually be enjoying it!"
Max smirked, "This coming from the man who couldn't take my little joke from before." Black gave him a look as he remembered what happened in the Court of Miracles and continued to fight.
Up above, Frost flew over the fighting. He held out his hands together in fists and, when he pulled them away from each other, he shaped a blue bow entirely out of magic. As he pulled back the string, a beautiful blue arrow formed, arched perfectly in the bow. He grinned as he aimed straight downward, "I really missed this." He released and the single arrow became hundreds. Hundreds of blue arrows like lightning struck down on the soldiers below, completely missing the ones fighting for good.
As for Palak, he used his magic to create tiny fire creatures to set fire to the soldiers ladders and weapons, even to a few soldiers themselves. He laughed as the soldiers ran around with fire on their butts, "This really is just like old times!"
Soul saw the soldiers with Ravon still trying to break down the doors of Notre Dame. His eyes began to glow bright as he watched Ravon in anger, "Oh no you don't. You've hurt our Rocky long enough." He created a red stone that floated above his hands and spoke words no one could understand.
Ravon and the soldiers were surprised as lava began to flow from the gargoyle mouths on Notre Dame. The soldiers ran for it away from Notre Dame as the lava fell over Ravon. Soul glared, then turned his attention to helping drive off the rest of the soldiers as the lava continued to flow.
What he didn't see was that the lava had just missed him. He managed to slip through the cracks in the doors from the beam being slammed into them again and again. He stormed on.
Inside, the arch deacon was shocked, "Ravon! Have you gone mad!?" Ravon swung out his hand, knocking the arch deacon aside painfully with magic. Ravon continued up the stairs as the arch deacon collapsed on the floor. Nothing was stopping him now.
Kalarock smiled as he watched the soldiers running away from Notre Dame. He hurried back into his room, "We did it, Viper! We stopped him! We..." He was surprised. She was still unmoved on his bed.
He walked over, "Viper?" He looked over her still figure, "Viper, wake up, you're safe now." He touched her face, "Viper?"
He pulled back, a fear growing in his chest, "Oh no. No." He lifted her head in his arm, "Viper. Viper, please wake up. Please wake up!" Tears came to his eyes as she didn't move.
Soul, Palak, and Frost watched from the door, miserable for their young friend. Soul became a chao again and closed the door, leaving Kalarock alone with Viper.
Kalarock felt his heart break, "Viper." The tears escaped his eyes as he looked at her face. He held her close, letting his tears fall on her.
Kalarock laid her back down as the door opened behind him. He didn't see the figure that slipped into the room. The figure was that of Ravon.
Ravon walked towards Kalarock. He gently laid a hand on Kalarock's shoulder as the young warlock cried into Viper's dress. Ravon spoke softly, "Do you not understand now, Kalarock? This is not the way things were meant to be."
Kalarock spoke softly from the fabric, " you killed her..."
Ravon sighed, "It was my duty. As horrible a duty as it was, it had to be done. For the greater good." He looked down at Kalarock, "I hope, truly hope, you can forgive me."
Kalarock raised his head from the fabric as Ravon raised the blade hidden behind his back, "And now, your suffering will finally come to an end." Kalarock gasped as he saw the shadow of the raised blade on the wall. Ravon grinned, "Forever."
Kalarock spun around just in time to block the blade with a barrier of magic. He held up the barrier against the blade as it caused small cracks. Ravon pushed hard against the barrier, but Kalarock glared at him and released a powerful burst of energy, finally wiping out what was left of his magic.
Ravon hit the wall, his blade falling at Kalarock's feet. Kalarock picked up the knife and walked over to Ravon, furious. Ravon spoke, worried, "Now listen to me, Kalarock..."
Kalarock cut him off, "Shut up!! You listen to me! You told me my entire life that the world was a dark, cruel, horrible place! When the truth is that its that way because of people like you!" He tossed the knife aside, "No, because of monsters like you."
"Kalarock?" Kalarock's spirits soared and he spun around.
There sat Viper, awake.
Kalarock smiled and ran over, "Viper! You're alright!" He hugged her and she hugged him back, though she was still very weak.
Ravon snatched up the knife, furious, "She lives." His eyes started to glow as he made fire appear around the blade, "I will have to amend that."
Kalarock gasped, "No!!" He lifted Viper into his arms and ran for the window. He jumped out and landed on a ledge not far below. He used his wings to fly off. Ravon climbed out of the window and flew after them, shooting fire from his blade. Viper held tightly as Kalarock flew around, dodging attacks.
Kalarock gasped in pain as a ball of fire hit his wing, causing them to fall out of the air onto a thin ledge that wrapped around Notre Dame. Ravon grinned and flew down, but was surprised to find they had disappeared. He walked around, holding his blade ready, but they were gone.
He then noticed a sense of power and grinned coldly. He walked to the edge and looked over. There hung Kalarock to a gargoyle horn with Viper in his other arm. She gasped.
Ravon laughed cruelly, "Leaving so soon?" He swung his blade at them, but Kalarock swung out of harms way.
Kalarock ducked from another swing, "Hang on tight, Viper!" He swung himself to another gargoyle, then another as Viper held tightly around his neck. Ravon continued after them, swinging his sword around.
Below, Max gasped as he continued to fight soldiers, "Look! Viper and Kalarock!" The others saw and gasped as they watched the fight far, far above.
Frost looked from a ways off with the other two, still helping against the soldiers, and gasped, "Oh no! Kalarock!"
Soul gasped, "Rocky!"
Kalarock managed to get himself and Viper onto a nearby balcony before Ravon reached them. He swung his blade, but Kalarock shoved Viper out of the way. He pulled back in pain as the blade cut his arm. He gasped when he found he was awfully close to the edge.
Viper watched in fear, "Kalarock!"
Ravon faced Kalarock, his blade still burning. His grin was full of evil and hate, "I should have known you would die to save the immortal girl. Just as your mother died to save you."
Kalarock gasped, "What?"
Ravon grinned coldly, "Now I'm going to do what I should have done fifteen years ago!" He threw a powerful spell at Kalarock, but the agile young warlock managed to dodge it. Though, it made his foot slip from the edge. He managed to grab the edge of Ravon's cape, which was flowing in the wind, as he fell. Ravon gasped as he was pulled over.
Kalarock caught a ledge just in time with one hand, his other hand still holding to Ravon's cape. As Kalarock held the ledge, Viper ran over and grabbed his wrist, "Hang on, Kalarock!!"
Ravon noticed the gargoyle head nearby and swung himself over to it, his magic weak from the attacks he'd used against Kalarock, the flying around he'd done, and the burst of energy Kalarock had managed to hit him with. Though, the swing made it much harder for Kalarock to hold on to the ledge. He felt weak as Viper held to him.
Ravon stood on the gargoyle and raised his blade over Viper. Viper gasped in fear. Ravon laughed manically, "Now you will suffer, witch!!"
Suddenly, a ball of light hit the gargoyle, causing it to crack and shift under him. Ravon gasped and slipped. He just managed to grab the gargoyle before he could fall to the lava below. He turned to where the light had come from to see Soul, Palak, and Frost.
Their eyes were glowing in anger, "Leave our kid alone!!"
They shot their magic at the same time, hitting the gargoyle and causing it to break. Ravon gasped as he began to fall. He yelled as he plummeted into the lava far, far, far below.
Viper held tightly to Kalarock, who's hand from slipping from hers, "Hang on, Kalarock! Just hang..." She lost her grip on him, "NO!!!" The three guardian's gasped, none of them close enough.
Kalarock fell, but was caught right away on the next floor by a couple of arms around his torso. Viper was surprised and rushed for the stairs. Below, Black pulled the weak Kalarock onto the balcony.
Kalarock sat up and saw Black. Black smiled, "You ok, kid?" Kalarock smiled and hugged his friend. Black chuckled and pat his head.
Then Viper ran over. She smiled to see Kalarock was safe. She ran over and hugged him tightly. Black smiled.
Kalarock then thought of something. He took Viper's hand and Black's hand in his. He looked at the lines on them, "Seems you're not the only one who can read life lines, Viper." He smiled and brought the two hands together, "Because as you didn't see a monster in my lines, I see love in yours." He smiled up at Black, "Both of yours."
Viper looked at Black and Black looked at her. Their eyes met as they moved in closer to each other. Kalarock stepped back as they kissed. He smiled. He was actually really happy for them. His dearest friends, in love. It was perfect and it made him very happy.

  As the sun rose over the horizon, shining light over Mellok, Black and Viper walked out of Notre Dame, hand in hand. Everyone cheered happily. Max even had to wipe a joyful tear as he watched Viper happily with Black.
Though, Viper stopped and looked back at the darkness beyond the doors of Notre Dame. She walked back in to find Kalarock watching. She held out her hand to him.
Kalarock looked nervous and afraid, remembering what happened the last time he was amongst the people of Mellok. She smiled at him, easing his fears. He knew he could trust her and took her hand. She smiled and led him to the doors. He stepped out into the light for everyone to see and they were silent.
The people watched Kalarock as he stood between Viper and Black. He felt nervous, ready to run back into the darkness where he'd lived so long. Though, Viper's grip on his hand tightened comfortingly, making him feel brave enough not to.
Then, a little girl walked forward. She was a cyan-blue hedgehog girl with bangs and bright gold eyes. Her skin tone was dark as she wore a simple blue dress and matching head-scarf. She walked up the steps towards Kalarock.
She stopped in front of him, looking up at him. He felt nervous. That is, until she reached up and touched his face, feelings his strange markings. She spoke in a soft voice, "You're colorful. Just like flowers." She smiled kindly, "I love flowers."
Kalarock felt such joy that he hugged her and she hugged him back. Viper and Black smiled. The little girl took Kalarock's hand and led him down the steps among the people.
Max jumped up on the destroyed remains of the soldiers weapons, "Three cheers for Kalarock!!" Everyone cheered and greeted Kalarock warmly, thanking him and praising him. They even lifted him in the air and carried him off.
Max chuckled as he watched, holding the little girl in his arm, "So, here is a riddle to guess if you can, sing the bells of Notre Dame!"
Kalarock smiled as he was carried by the people. Max pulled out a puppet of Ravon and tickled the little girl, What makes a Monster and what makes a Man?
Everyone sang with Max as Kalarock flew into the air and pulled together his magic, "Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells..."
Max sang as they chanted, "Whatever their pitch, you can feel them bewitch you. The rich and the ritual knells!"
The three chao watched happily from Kalarock's tower, Viper and Black shared a romantic kiss, and Kalarock released his magic to repair all of Mellok.
"Of the Bells of Notre..." Kalarock threw magic into the air creating fireworks high above. Dame!!
Everyone watched the beautiful light show as the bells above rang at the feel of Kalarock's magic, sending music of joy far and wide.


Reggie smiled, "And everyone lived happily ever after." The kids all smiled.
Silver, looking half asleep in Reggie lap, smiled, "That was a nice story, Reggie."
Reggie chuckled as he stood up, holding the kid in his arms, "Well, I'm glad you liked it."
Amy smiled adoringly, "Such beauty! Such romance! It was wonderful!" She scooched closer to Sonic, "Don't you agree, Sonic?"
Sonic scooched away from her, "Uh, yeah, sure." He grinned at Reggie, "I really like that final fight with the guardian chao! They were so cool!"
Reggie chuckled as they all got to their feet under the moonlit sky, "Yeah, they were pretty impressive, weren't they?" He led the way back towards the castle entrance.
Shadow smiled, "Are you sure this was just a made up story, Reggie? It seemed awfully real."
Reggie chuckled carrying the dozing Silver, "Yes, I'm sure. Not too shabby if I do say so myself."
Then Blaze stopped, "Wait a minute. Aren't we forgetting something?"
Reggie shrugged as he let the kids walk inside before him, "No, I don't think so." He followed them in.
No one remembered the little blue hedgehog still tied in the tree by himself. Scourge groaned angrily, "I hate that nanny vampire."

And so ends the story! I still can't believe I wrote this whole story entirely off my memory of a movie I watched only maybe three times in my life, the last time being a couple years ago. :XD: Maybe my memory isn't entirely hopeless after all!

Sorry, Scourge, but he did warn you. :XD:

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DrawTwist's avatar
Haha that ending tho xD